
Serotonergic medications, such as SSRIs can delay ejaculation. SSRIs are commonly used as anti-depressants. Examples include Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor, and Lexapro. Clinical trials indicate that Paroxetine gives the largest increase in intravaginal ejaculation latency time.Clomipramine often helps with serious cases which are related to the central nervous system (as opposed to psychological factors). The drug has the added benefit of also improving erection quality in some patients.

William Francis Ganong, cited dietary 5-HTP as an alternative source to raising serotonin levels. Many supplements are available that contain 5-HTP.

Medical grade topical anesthetics are a common ingredient in many over-the-counter products such as condoms and non-aerosol sprays.

Magnesium deficiency, very common in the Western world and especially in the United States, has been associated with premature ejaculation. See: Seminal plasma magnesium and premature ejaculation: a case-control study.

Nikoobakht MR, Aloosh M, Hasani M.

Urol J. 2005 Spring;2(2):102-5.

PMID: 17629880 [PubMed - in process]


Seminal plasma magnesium and premature ejaculation: a case-control study.

Aloosh M, Hassani M, Nikoobakht M.

BJU Int. 2006 Aug;98(2):402-4.

PMID: 16879686 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Proposals or findings for a new approach about how to define and diagnose premature ejaculation.

Wang W, Kumar P, Minhas S, Ralph D.

Eur Urol. 2005 Sep;48(3):418-23. Review.

PMID: 15967566 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Magnesium in human semen: possible role in premature ejaculation.

Omu AE, Al-Bader AA, Dashti H, Oriowo MA.

Arch Androl. 2001 Jan-Feb;46(1):59-66.